Client: The Video Standards Council
Tubers Studios
Script Writer, Producer, Director, Editor

This video was produced as part of a series of 6 videos to promote gaming as a family hobby by suggesting suitable video games to try.

The brief stated that the videos needed to be fun, educational and informative whilst keeping on brand with the Video Standards Council and PEGI (Pan European Game Information).

I also had to make sure that the videos presented the VSC as impartial, not showing preference to any games console, developer or gaming brand. I produced the format, researched suitable games, wrote the scripts, produced/directed the videos and then edited them, taking on client feedback and making any required edits.

‘Tubers have really helped us to improve the standard of the content on our website. We needed high quality videos that would get key information out to parents about video games and age ratings. But we also needed those videos to be fun and engaging so they’d hold people’s attention.’

Ian Rice, Director General, Video Standards Council